
WithRetries Plugin

The withRetries plugin enhances the reliability of your fetch operations by automatically retrying failed requests. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where transient network issues might cause requests to fail temporarily.

How it Works

The withRetries plugin monitors the response of each fetch request. If a request fails, the plugin will automatically retry the request for a specified number of times until it succeeds or the maximum number of retries is reached.


  • onPostRequest: After receiving a response, if the response is not successful and the request does not have the x-fetcher-no-retry header, the plugin will retry the request.

Plugin Options

The withRetries plugin offers the following options:

  • defaultMaxRetries: Specifies the default maximum number of retries for each request. Default is 3.

You can use the following custom headers for more granular control per request:

  • x-fetcher-no-retry: If present, the plugin will not retry the request, regardless of the response.
  • x-fetcher-retry-times: Specifies the maximum number of retries for the request.


import { Fetcher } from '@composite-fetcher/core';
import withRetriesPlugin from '@composite-fetcher/with-retries';
const fetcher = new Fetcher();
const retriesPlugin = new withRetriesPlugin(5);  // retry up to 5 times by default
  .then(response => { /* handle response */ })
  .catch(error => { /* handle error */ });